Monday, May 31, 2021

31 May - Memorial Day and Last Day at Pelican Roost RV Park Mayport NAS FL


Blustery Memorial Day here in Northeastern Florida, and our last day at the Pelican Roost RV park.  Many RV's were departing today and more tomorrow including us.  We did not even leave the park today except to fuel the truck in preparation for our trip north to Savannah GA tomorrow.  

I spent most of the morning cleaning the roofs of the slideouts, cleaning the rubber seals and treating them with the product recommended by both our RV manufacturer and Jayco, the manufacturer of our previous RV, and you will never guess what it is! Yep, Lemon Pledge furniture polish!  Why "Lemon" Pledge, I have no idea but I heard the same thing from both so there must be something to it.  I know you would never want to use anything that would react with the rubber seals.  So, easy to find and easy to use!

The early afternoon we spent doing our normal routine of dumping tanks, stowing hoses, cleaning and stowing the barbecue grill and basically getting ready to leave in the morning.  The Cubs hosted the San Diego Padres so we took a break to watch the game.  Doreen did a few loads of clothes, towels, etc as the laundry is free here and all future stops will charge for laundry.  She also did a final beach walk with Liberty.  Some pictures:

Waves rolling in with the wind

Red flag beach warning due to the undertow

White caps and waves slapping the jetty

Fishing boat coming is draws the attention of sea gulls

This evening we reviewed the game plan for Savannah.  Doreen has an aunt at Hilton Head Island we plan to visit.  The RV park where we are staying offers a shuttle to downtown Savannah and we will take advantage of that.  There is a lighthouse and some sights we want to see on Tybee Island, so that will be a day trip. It's only about 137 miles to Savannah tomorrow and check-in is not until 1400 hrs, although you can pay $10 for early check-in.  

I've been to Savannah with the Air Guard before but it been quite a few years, in fact daughter Jennifer and I were here at the same time and we wandered around downtown together.

We are going to miss this place!  We would definitely come back here again.  We've had a great time in Florida.  Amazing but we entered Florida on 23 April, so we have been in this state for over a month!  It's been awesome seeing our friends and relatives here and we look forward to a return trip sometime in the future.  I am glad our Florida stay was in April and May as the heat and humidity of the summer would likely have been unpleasant.  I have been pleasantly surprised.

Next report, Creekfire RV Resort, Savannah GA!

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