Tuesday, June 22, 2021

22 Jun - Rain, Rain, Go Away! Shelling and Visit to Swansboro NC


Doreen hit the beach this morning again in search of the illusive sharks teeth and she did well.  The tide was out and the view was incredible.  These pictures show how far out the surf was during low tide.

We saddled up and headed into a nearby town of Swansboro to pick up a few items, but nothing significant to report from there.  
After we returned, we squeezed in a walk with Liberty before the rain came again.  The surf was back in quite a ways but was still pretty wild,  Very few on the beach today at all.

We got back just before the next downpour.  The campgrounds is looking like a swamp.  Standing water everywhere so Liberty is pretty picky where she goes. This view is becoming all too common. 
Doreen multi-tasked a lot today.  She did a couple loads of laundry in the nearby laundry facility, made a batch of her Warren County Fair award-winning salsa in a crock pot (had never done it that way before).  She also cooked a beef roast with veggies in the Instant Pot, so we had a delicious dinner plus much left over to shred with barbecue sauce for sandwiches tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, we will drive about 64 miles and 1 hour 26 minutes north to Harker's Island and then catching the Harker's Island Cape Lookout ferry to Cape Lookout Lighthouse.  The weather is supposed to be better tomorrow for our journey.  Due to the time/distance Liberty will go with us. The lighthouse is closed to climbing but the visitor center supposedly has the stamp for Doreen's passport.  Should be a fun trip.


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